Thursday, November 17, 2005


Jus some random stuff here.

haha. house under renovation is probably the most perfect reason for me to stay home and not go to school for Economics lessons. My holidays officially started when Project Work ended and there is no way anyone can dragged me to go to school against my will man. haha.

Went to watch the Exorism of Emily Rose with Sara and met his mother, Poh Ru. I think as a documentary it is pretty nice but as a movie it failed as the storyline is rather messy and the characters lacked depth. The plot development takes very long to develope and durin the movie Sara and i were actually laughing haha. no jk. Not recommended to watch unless u wanna burn some time.

Guess most of my hols this week and next will be spend at home as i will be away for 3wks for CLT Course. haha. and aft that am gg to look for a job to supplement my Christmas Shopping.
Next week furniture shopping with my dear yue yun, haha, she wanna go buy her pillow and bolster to hug i wanna go buy my shelves to decorate my renovated room from IKEA.

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i think i am like having insomia for the past few days man. alot of things on my mind. jus that i cant really seem to find an answer and a s...