Sunday, May 06, 2007

went out with dom today. and we caught 200 pounds beauty. quite an interesting and nice show to catch. dun mind recommending you to catch it if u have the time :)) after that we headed for shopping and we practically walked the whole of orchard. jus window shoppin. haha. and i am proud to announce that my list of things that i wanna get is complete. wheeeeeee. wells, and town was rather quiet today. think it's due to the mid year exams. that y there is a shortage of people walking ard in town.

top on my list is W850i. wanna go get it already. next week perhaps. then the other items would slowly slowly follow.

ya. feel like be a little reflective here today. been a very awaful week for me whereby i learn several lessons......the hard way......though it did cause me certain heartbreak and a fair amount of anger (nvr been angry in a long while, irritated yes, angry no) anyways i was kinda expectin it too. don't think i was ever wrong with my analyst. but i guess, the flame jus died out. hmmm. but i am really glad with the people ard me tat jus gave me plt frenz.....

once again for the upteem time this week, i am thrown with the question as to wat type of gers i like. well, personally i prefer gals that can hold a conversation with me aka talking cock, any types and every types. dont ever talk serious stuffs with me. i can never hold such a conversation for long before getting bored about it. haha. i prefer conversations tat can revolved around everything. having a gf that can talk and put a grin on my face and a smile in my heart is much better than a touchy feely one. and there are only a few that can really fill this bill. of coz i am not going to name them. but ya. there is 1 particularlly that stands out from the rest. haha. but it's kinda late and there is still much that i wanna write but am too lazy. shall keep it for next week when i have my block leave.

anyways, big day next week and coincidentally it coincides with my leave. so ya. of coz i am happy. guess friday would be going out with the guys and elly. PUBBING not CLUBBIN mind you. haha somewhere in Holland V with live band for company. whoopieeee.

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i think i am like having insomia for the past few days man. alot of things on my mind. jus that i cant really seem to find an answer and a s...