Monday, January 19, 2009

jus feel like strangling myself.

the signs were there and i was jus too blind to see.

enough be said, there is lots to be done on my part.

sometimes i just hate myself. maybe it was never meant to be, like always.

sometimes i jus feel like givin up and jus dont bother abt anything at all.

sometimes i jus cant but have the feeling if things are what they seemed to be.

what if everything was just a facade?

what if the other party was jus tryin not to hurt me?

i really dont know. all i can do is jus to trust, wait & see.

hmmm. as always, the only person that i can really turn too is myself.yea. bert tryin to cheer bert up. it has always been the case and always wld be. yea. i guess i shld jus go back into the little world of my own as i had did in the past. it wld be best it seems. yea. perhaps the conclusion wld always be the same. it ended before it started. as much as i dont want it to be this way. it is jus frm my side. her side also need to complement it. so that the conclusion wld not be forgone. it takes 2 hands to clap. i jus really dont know. maybe i shld jus take my side of the hand and strangle myself.

confuse i am. emoing i am. i jus wanna be left alone. yea. i was the one thinking too much. i was the one havin too much hopes. i was the one that thought otherwise. sigh. it jus dont work out the way i hope it would. nothing does work out for me i guess.

i jus wanna be alone now.

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i think i am like having insomia for the past few days man. alot of things on my mind. jus that i cant really seem to find an answer and a s...