Thursday, November 03, 2005

Selemat Hari Raya.

Firstly, I would like to wish all my Muslims bethrens out there, wherever you are a very happy new year! Selemat Hari Raya!

Today was such a boring day man. I woke up super early in the morning after which i proceed to school for my PW presentation. haha. the only cheering fact was that we did not spend 2hr45mins like SK's group the other day. We took only around 1hr30mins which i think is pretty much the standard time for a presentation cum discussion. Following which we set down as a group to finalise the slides. The only minus point was that Ayu was missing. hmmm. i really hope she turn up this Friday and not jeopardise our presentation.

My schedule is packed like sardine man. I simply cannot find time to have a proper life for this 2weeks. Bleahs. It seem so unlike me man. Better still, next week i have Spec Course to run and presentation to present. How good can life gets man? sighx. I hope this week and next passes quickly. haha. then after that am goin to look for jobs to supplement my Christmas spending. lala. 3 more weeks to 50th CLT Course. Need to train up man. haha. lose some weight and build some muscles is what i intend to do this few weeks leadin up to CLT Course. After all, that is the main event of the year for me besides IACE Canada.

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i think i am like having insomia for the past few days man. alot of things on my mind. jus that i cant really seem to find an answer and a s...