Wednesday, June 07, 2006

it seems that whatever that i say on my blog is open for a lot of scrutiny by some annoymous people. i mean, if you dare to pass such comments jus have some balls (if you have) to leave ur name behind. is it really that hard?

this blog is a private blog for my personal viewing and the viewings of my friends. if you do not like what i have written on my blog, jus click on the X button at the top right hand of the screen or you can always link to another blog. i did not force or ask you to read my blog, rather i prefer if no one reads my blog. so at least i can have some privacy to scold or curse at anyone and everyone. or to state my true feelings about certain things or people. but no, these few jokers choose to leave behind comments which i deemed is unnecessary. moreover, i do not talk to strangers. they seem to be threading between the fine line between stupidity and ignorance.

i do not mind if my friends comment about it, at least they know me to a certain extent. unlike you, a total stranger whom i barely know. but i tell you what, i give you benefit of doubt. maybe you know me but i do not know you.

do keep talking, someday sometime somehow, i believe something intelligent will come out from your mouth! :))

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i think i am like having insomia for the past few days man. alot of things on my mind. jus that i cant really seem to find an answer and a s...