Monday, February 27, 2006
haha. funny
haha. chatting with elly online can be very interesting at times man. she is capable of making comments that will reduce you to bouts of laughter. here is one from her
- Alienation 'n Dejection - says:
- Alienation 'n Dejection - says:
hi i'm bert how do i bird u?
as what elly will say "do you see the crow flying above my head" haha. private joke between her and me and a few others.
and Eric just revealed the Beng lies dormant in him. haha.
.: eric-thomas clarence :. veritas vos liberabit :: :: says:
i am more interested in whacking up the bf but my seniors say no =(
: eric-thomas clarence :. veritas vos liberabit :: :: says:
okay that gangster will have a talk with me soon =D
: eric-thomas clarence :. veritas vos liberabit :: says:
sound so petrified when i just merely change my tone
i got no comments about it man. haha. better don't. later i end up like that gangster. lol
chatting online with the right people can be so funny and simply makes one's day.
Prison, as we all know is a place that houses the artisans of crime that Singaporean Society has to offer. These people practice the highest level of crime that can be offered. Arson, rape, murder, embezzlement etc are just some examples.
Prison can also be seen as the "Kunlun Mountain" of the Crime World, the pinnacle of Crime, a legendary and mystical place where many criminals, as they are commonly known, aspire to go to gain enlightenment.
How is Millennia Institute like a prison?
Millennia Institute, a school that was founded in the year 2003, merging the 2 last Institutes in Singapore that offers a 3-year Pre-University Course to students. Now it is the last remaining Institute in Singapore, a fragment of Singapore's Education Past with the merger.
Millennia Institute as the name suggest is suppose to be a new-age Institution as its name "Millennia" derives from the word 'Millennium' which according to Oxford Pocket Dictionary means "A hoped-for period of joy, serenity, prosperity, and justice" It is rather ironic as Millennia Institute is in my humble opinion, is not as the word suggest. I would liken it to the tertiary version of Prison. In the following paragraphs, I will present to you readers, evidences that it is so.
Millennia Institute (Bartley) is located in a tranquil and peaceful place along Bartley Road, an ideal location for a "prison" for students.
In the mornings, you can hear the chirping of birds, smell the fresh air as besides the school is gardens and hear the chanting of prayers from a nearby Chinese Temple. Seems like a nice place to be eh? Wait till I delve deeper into it than you will believe the saying that "looks can be deceiving". It does not help to refute the claim too as the school is rather old. The first impression that you will get when you stepped into the school is that it looks like a prison due to the old structures. I believe in a few years time, the school would be able to qualify to be a World Heritage Site. The feeling of being in a prison comes only much later when school begins.
How we lived our lives?
It is dictated by something call a timetable that we have to strictly adhere too or we will faced the consequences of our actions. There is absolutely no flexibility except the occasional swap of periods. We are told what to do, what to think.
The timetable too is unreasonably long. 45 minutes per lesson, it is 15 minutes longer than a typical JC lesson. Our days too are longer than any schools offering A levels. For example, AJC only has one long day a week ending at 1815hours, the rest of the week they do not end late at all. This is how our lives are being governed, just like in a prison. Just that they decide to be nice and call it Millennia Institute
Many a times, we attempt to run away from school as a result of this long timetable which leads me to my next point.
Security Guards & CCTVs
CCTVs were recently installed in MI to "supervise" the security in school. They were installed in strategic areas. These areas include the following.
- Both the entrance and exit gates of the school
- Back Gate
- Corridors
- Gym
- Computer Labs
Many times when I went to the Staff Room, I could see the clerks in the office looking at the monitor which I assume to be keeping a look out for runaways as there was nothing to see from the areas In which the monitors were being placed.
Prison too has CCTVs to prevent the escape of prisoners and to supervise the overall security.
Security guards would stop you in your tracks just to make sure that you are not leaving school illegally and when you are late for school, they will not hesitate to detain you. Issuing you with a green or white paper depending on your time of arrival and there you are, you are on your way to detention. Isn’t this like how a prison is? All done in the name of security. Oh how sweet sounding it sounds!
Teachers patrolling the corridors
Every morning, we have teachers that will patrol the corridors to enforce the school rule that it is SRP (Silent Reading Period) and that we are suppose to read the Newsweek Magazine and nothing else. Toilet trips are frown upon by the teachers though permitted and we are expected to return to class as soon as possible. If you are caught, be prepared for a long lecture on why SRP is important.
I mean, come on, we are being force to read? There is no logic here. By forcing we are not learning anything; in fact we will come to grow to hate it even more. Reading is something that should come from within. I love to read, especially fantasy novels but by forcing us to read, the teachers are unknowingly taking away not only my love of reading but others’ too. All these are done in the name of a greater good- General Paper. Rather ironic, one must admit
Doesn’t this scenario remind you of a prison? Prison guards patrolling the area to ensure discipline, not being afraid to scold you and tell you off because they know that there is nothing that you can do to them? Being force into doing things?
Freedom of thought though encourage is not highly recommended.
The freedom that we loved and enjoyed is taken away from us, the moment we step in there. Rendering us as puppets of the game known as "A-Levels" and the puppet masters being “teachers” where results are all that matter.
Take for example, Project Work, our ideas are frowned upon by the teachers and they imposed on us their ideas, their way of thinking, citing that it is for our sake that they do it. It could be partly true, but behind it, I believe they have a hidden agenda which is getting the best results for the school for the sake of looking good. There is absolutely no freedom of thought. It is just like in prison where you are told what to do, what to think. The entire aim of Project Work was for us, students to be creative, not the teachers. If they want to be creative, they could enroll in Project Work and do one themselves. Advisory roles are what they are supposed to play but over here they are playing the role of a team leader, not a team advisor.
As practitioners of A-levels, we are supposed to be the "Creme De La Creme" or more commonly known as "Cream of the Crops", "Best of the Best". This was a view shared by our principal, Mr Tan Sor Pang; we are artisans in our own right. Just like how the artisans in Prison are imprisoned for their arts, we too are, at Millennia except that our's is a milder version.
His point too is being enforced wholeheartedly by the teachers under him. Piling us with homework and creating unnecessary stress for students like us so as to get the best results out of us. A level is not even here yet and we are already feeling the heat.
We swap our freedom for academic excellence. Is the price worth it?
If we are tired and unable to focus, are we able to get the best results out of ourselves?
If we spend the day brooding in class and not absorbing anything, will we be able to perform to the best of our ability?
We are ones at the losing end. The teachers whine and whine about how much essays they have to mark but it just marking the same thing over and over again. They had done their part in A levels many years back. How hard can that get? Whereas for us, we have to slog and slog to churn out the necessary essays to give it to the teachers.
Who are the people that are suffering here?
We are only human. There is only so much we can take.
Shouldn’t things be taken gradually so as to avoid burnout towards the end?
This is just like how prison life is like. No freedom. No thinking. No creativity. We are taught what to think, what to do. The answers that we give are typical textbooks answers and the teachers would praise us by saying "well done". "Keep it up" one may beg to differ that we are learning something from this. Yes we are. But at what cost?
The food in school is also commendable. During the first year of its creation, MI’s supplier for food is the Singapore Food Industries (SFI). This supplier supplies the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the National Cadet Corps (NCC) food. It is basically a monopoly there.
In its second year, they changed the food supplier to an Indian stall that apparently has a branch in the National University of Singapore (NUS) and GT Supplier.
However, the matter of fact is that things are still rather the same. The quality of food serve is average or below average at certain times. The beehoon taste like barbed wires. The chicken like rubber, which I believe if you throw it against the war, it can rebound back to you. The rice like porridge. Now you have a rough idea of how the food is like?
Physical Education
Physical Education was meant to be fun and we are supposed to enjoy it but No, things are different in MI. The teachers believe that physical training should be tough and if one gets on their nerves, you are in for a very interesting PE lesson.
I do not see them joining us in for the PE. Rather they stand at a corner and try unsuccessfully to motivate us through their actions which are thick with sarcasm. But there are times whereby the PE teachers are nice and they could be real nice if they want to.
This PE style is much worst than what is being experience in NS. At least in NS, we do build muscles at the end. But over here? What do we build up? A hatred for PE perhaps.
All these are done so that they can retain the MINDEF Best Performer Award for the 3rd year running.
The PE Department too makes noise about other physical activities being played in school if not properly clad in PE uniform and attempts to confiscate the related equipments being used.
This is our only form of distressing. Couldn’t they be more understanding? Do they really want us to go around breaking stuffs as a form of distressing?
The PE Uniform too is of poor quality. The pants tear easily; the PE shirt is of too thick a material. And what do they ask us do if something happen to our uniform? Buy more from them. Complains that we lodge are often left unheard initially, it is only until recently that they decide to hear our complains to a small extent.
Isn’t this how prison is too?
The wardens telling you what to do and they stand at a corner mocking you. Complaints are often left unheard.
The Student Council
One thing that I must congratulate the Student Council for is their use of mass propaganda. It is simply masterful. No offence to my friends in there, but I feel that you guys are masters of this art. Take the recent Presidential Elections for example, the amount of publicity and promises of reforms that are being made by the candidates. It sounds so sweet, so nice. But how much will actually be fulfilled? None. Or just a little bit. I do not see them putting in so much effort to improve the lives of the students. The creativity used is to make sure that they get the seats in the Executive Council and not use to benefit us. In the end, it is their ass that they should be concerned about and not ours'.
So does it really matter who becomes the President? After all, they are all the same. There is not much difference. One President is the same from the other. Might as well the teachers nominate the President, as i believe they would want someone that they liked. The election speeches are also censored and they are told what to say and politically incorrect speeches are edited. The Election to me, is just a show of who is the most popular person around. A show of popularity and how creative you can get to make sure that you are the most popular dude around. Are you really a leader? Only time can tell.
This body is supposed to be the representative of the Students, to make sure that our disgruntlement is being heard so that changes can be made. But in actual fact, they are just spokesmen in the enforcement of the things that the school wants us to do. Assuring us that it is the right thing to do and that it is the best for us. Honestly, I would not vote for any of the candidates that stood for election. There is no point in doing so; it is like as if we will see if things improve. But I honestly, seriously doubt so.
Prisons have prisoner representatives too. These prisoner representatives are supposed to convey the instructions from above to the general population in there.
Note a similarity? They are could also be known as the "gang heads" that control the internal running of the prison out of the watchful eyes of the prison wardens. or under the watchful eyes of the prison wardens.
Freedom taken away in the name of Education is something that should not be tolerated. There should be a balance in both. Millennia Institute should start relaxing control over the students. We have rather talented students in our midst and our talents are not fully utilized as there is a lack of opportunities to do so and all these talents just go to waste. When the opportunity does present itself, we are limited by rules and regulations and the whims of the teachers.
Study till you drop is not the approach that should be taken. Rather. I feel that the school should start things gradual first before picking up the pace. Like this, we could avoid burnout towards the end. This is a very important year for us as we are taking our A Levels. If we burn out towards the end, who is to be blame? The teachers? Or ourselves?
Governing us like prisoners would do us no good. But rather it will create a growing sense of discontentment amongst the students.
Will we witness a People’s Power among the students?
I doubt so because the Student Council, the supposed leaders of the students would not stand up to the very people that put them up there in the first place. They worry too much about themselves. Things would still be the same.
We could never be heard. All we could do is suffer in silence. Trust me when I say my classmates and I have voice out our discontentment to the teachers on the problems that we have in school.
If only things were not so rigid, I believe that school would be a much better place to be in. I would not have likened it to a prison on the first place, but would rather look upon it as a resort.
Actually school is rather distasteful now.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
another boring day
and to top that up, Mrs Koh, our home tutor is comtemplating to quit teaching.
lots of happenings happening at once.
fingers start pointing who is at fault when it is obvious that everyone is at fault, not just an individual, but rather individuals. an apology, written or verbal is totally useless unless it comes from the heart. are we going to apologise because we feel guilty for causing a teacher to comtemplating to quite or do we really feel that we are at fault thus apologising?
MI Food & Funfair. we are going to run 2 stores without start up cost and minimal sponsorship from the school. in other words, we have to fork out from our own pockets and we do not get to see the returns. what logic is this? we should at least be able to keep a little of the profits made (if there is any) for our efforts. No. the school never thinks of it this way. forcing us to sell tickets, promising perks if a lot of tickets are being sold and keep reminding us week in week out.
back in secondary school when we had a fun fair. we were never force to sell tickets for fun fair, rather the school encourages us using a positive approach. stalls were voluntary and not rooster to set up. i remember NCC (AIR) took 3 stalls, Hunted House, Abseiling and Chicken Wing Stall.
we had the full support of the school and we were allow to use as much money as possible to get the job done. i was in charge of hunted house and the school management gave us full support as my project requires the most funding and help. the principal and vice-principal came down to give us pointers on how to improve and help us to source for items that we need. i do not see MI giving us this type of support. the hunted house was a resounding success in the end, opening way till the fun fair was over. and the school rewarded NCC (AIR) by giving us part of the money earned from the fun fair.
cant the school have the fun fair on neutral grounds? if the school can hold its institute day on neutral grounds, why not the fun fair?
is MI goin to do this? i doubt so. all the money will go to the school.
the world is getting wierder and wierder, day by day. unpredictable things keep happening. i just hate being forced to do things.
Friday, February 24, 2006
what was meant to be a wonderful day today turn sour in the end. a sumptous meal elly, inez, teranz and myself had at Sakae Sushi (elly's fave hangout) . followed by a mini shopping trip, courtesy of Inez and shopping for a suitable 21st birthday pressie for my partner in crime, Sara.
saw something i wish i have not seen, bringing back memories that i long tried to forget, digging up emotions that i thought was long gone, adding on to the additional stress that i am getting from school and the teachers. it took me down the long depressing route that i do not want to take again. rendering me in a rather foul and depress mood. yes, i seek solace in toys. and i really am past caring what others think alr. think what u want, it is of no consequence to me.
i cant live up to the expecatations that teachers have for me. consistent work is not what i practise. i dont like to be pressure to studying. if you believe i have the potential let me show it in my own way and not by pressuring me to show it. i can never perform in the beginning, i believe it to be taboo. when i say i will score at the end, have faith in me for i will do it. if you want to think of me as straight F student so be it, you know that i will not get it, results have already proven. i am sick of listening to all these bullshit. dont add on to the problems that already are in existant. you are just making my life worst.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
oh, in case u did not know, i went to Toy'R'Us to buy more toys ytd. will be returning to purchase more.
a lot of things happened to me over this past month. some of which affected me greatly. as far as i try to remain optimistic, it is darn hard. things could never be the same? THAT chapter in my life is close coz i chose it to be, as far as i am concern. starting on a new chapter but i do not know which direction to head in. don't blame me for giving up? but for starting instead?
i just wanna live a life that is my own. not dictated by circumstances nor events. i do what i like to do, no one stopping me and sayin "this cant be done, because it is wrong" the teachers are stoppin attempts to be creative. telling us to do this, do that, claiming that it is the right thing. where is freedom of thought? it is just like living a life of a puppet. i just want to be free from it. by piling essays and threatening us in it is not goin to help us. it is just going to tramatise us and along the way stress us out. cant they employ a more positive teaching approach. i don't find doing essays and comprehension amusing. ranting and ranting on in class is not gg to help us in understanding the topic, it will only make us more afraid of it. jus like how i am of Econs.
school is really boring and fuck up. MI isnt like JCs. lessons are 15mins longer. schools are a few hours longer. the principal preaches a "study till you drop" approach. the teachers enforce it. and they console us by calling us "cream of the crops" what logic is that? it is freaking warp. the only time i look forward in school is the free periods. other than that nothing else.
social life also affected. school end so late. the only people that i see and hang out with are my classmates. no life? i barely can even find time for my other frenz. why cant we jus be normal for once?
ok. i do not know what the f*** i am talkin about alr. but ya. it's time to stop thinking. it's time to do sth. i made that step to walk that route and i intend to see it through. not giving up. not having 2nd thoughts. big sis knw what i am talkin abt rite? :)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
bubble frenzy
well, i had 7 periods free today. and i attended school for 1 period only- General Paper. didn't attend lit paper 1 and 2 as i went out to meet Merv. been a long time seen i last saw him haha. and he still look the same? cept that his hair can tie into a small ponytail already. bleahs. haha. merv here can say is one of my best indian makkals (brother) in secondary school. haha. remember all the trouble we use to create in school? come to think of it, most of my good frenz are indians. lol. ironic isn't it? and those times are really the funnest time of my life :P really miss those times. however, with school and such, it is harder for us to meet up and outings with them normally end up in drinking or LAN gaming. bleahs.
another day surviving in school tomorrow. and i feel that my life now though is boring coz of the lack of some individuals is also fulfilling for me. should have heeded rozario's advice earlier and things might have just been different. what was started should not have started in the first place. passion? boredom? lonliness? we will never know. it could have mark the close of a chapter and the beginning of a new one perharps? or am i still somewhere there?
Saturday, February 18, 2006
stepping down
but this is a moment worth celebrating for me man. it was the day that i have been waiting for as Com Air has correctly pointed out. it finally happened. marking the end of my 2 years at the helm. seeing former cadets of mine becoming CLTs, cadets which i have trained in my days as a Specialist and a CLT. happy to see that they have progress so far, but sad in the sense that it means that it is time to leave the Corps that have given me 3 very memorable years.
i really enjoyed myself throughout this time, making many friends, knowing many people and learning many life skills that would prove useful in the outside world. but all good things must come to an end. by stepping down today, i believe that the old guard, which is us have unofficially ended our service.
i guess if i say that i will not miss NCC, i would be lying to myself. i will miss it as i leave as it bears to me alot of fond memories. if time permits, i will serve to the best of my abilities as my creed ask of me.
Rozario nearly killed all of us in his car today with his Initial-D driving. i must admit that he is a really good driver man. but it didn't scare the shit out of me as he had hope for :P
haha. and we have a retirement dinner at Sakura's. Rozario, Fique, Rena and myself. Members of the Old Guard. followed by a drink at Starbucks talking about old times and our plans after leaving school. it was a very memorable and meaningful talk which i throughly enjoyed myself. and guess what we did next?
RETAIL THERAPY!!! we 3 guys went shopping at ESPIRT. haha. and it was way cool man. finally i found some like-minded people. and we are planning a shopping outing in the near future.
ok, march is a packed time for me. Pre-U 3 retreat followed by Mount Ophir Expedition. Bintan and Ledang, here i come again!!!
Friday, February 17, 2006
shopping for a boyfriend
A Store where woman can buy a boyfriend has just open.
At the entrance are these instructions:
- You may visit only once
- There are 6 floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascend the flights.
- You may choose any men from a particular floor or you can choose to go up a floor
- You cannot go back down except to exit.
One woman goes to the first floor where the sign reads "These men have jobs"
The second floor sign reads "These men have jobs and love kids"
The third floor sign reads "These men have jobs, love kids and are good looking"
The fourth floor sign reads "These men have jobs, love kids, are good looking and help around the house"
The fifth floor sign reads " These men have jobs, love kids, are good looking, help around the house and are romantic"
She is tempted to stay but curiousity get the better of her. So she goes to the sixth floor.
But the sign reads "You are the 4,363,012 person to this floor. There are no men here. This floor exists as proof that woman are impossible to please. Thank You for Shopping. Goodbye!"
ben and jerry's
anways, found out that the scoopers are former JC students waiting for results and that their chinese sucks. haha. maybe shld try speaking chinese to them the next time.
caught the movie jarhead and i think that it was not bad. i guess the only people that knows how to appreciate the movie are those with military background as they would understand some of the lingo that is being used in the movie and would have interest in the movie. but overall, it was a nice movie, highlighting the theme "insanity". which remind me of something that Colonel Ishak, Commanding Officer of BMTC said last year during the lecture that he had with the 50th CLT. "What is Insanity?" it left us to ponder about this question.
that all for my otherwise boring day i guess.......
Thursday, February 16, 2006
did a rather interesting GP Essay today, "Leaving the past behind you, is this the best advice for progress?" much to the chagrin of some of my classmates. haha. but honestly, i find it a very meaningfully essay as it sets me thinking about some stuffs that happened to me over the past. both hurting and happy.
a little good news today at least. i am FINALLY stepping down this upcoming CLT Meeting. This is soooo cool man. the day that i am looking forward too is finally approaching. haha. stayin on as CLT Advisor or Mentor? The new AIR OIC can handle things by himself without me interfering as that will hamper progression. nono. but rather it is time for me to regain my stagnant social life.
it seem only like yesterday when i was AIR 2IC in July 2004, moving up the ranks and gaining the recongnition and the fame and power that follows. amazing i was not swallowed up by them. Finally ending up where i was today, AIR OIC. time pass really fast man.
hope the transition would be a smooth sailing one.
hope that the bird will snare the fox.
hope that school will not be so boring
hope that things that i wish would be, would be.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
day after valentine's
i guess i am really going to miss those UNO sessions that we have and the bonding sessions that we had too. quite memorable. all those late nights that i spend though with different people each time and they bring about mixed feelings each time. it seems only like yesterday that i was just a CLT fresh out of course taking the 50th CLTs when they were cadets. now it is already 3 years down the road and i am nearly the end of my service spending bonding time with these CLTs who were former cadets of mine, as colleages.. how interesting and amusing.
though they calling me "Sir" is something that i find wierd la. haha. after all we are all CLTs difference between me and them is the extra strips that i have. haha. then they "sir here sir there" also dun knw who they call coz there are so many sirs ard ;)
in the end, it turn out that it was a darn relax camp for me. nothing much to do. so i hang out with admin the whole day. haha. Aein and Ameer and Wei Jiang. talking cock. then once in a while others would come in to join in.
Back to school today, and i was silent the whole day. post Camp Feast symptoms man. haha. depress that i have to come school? and tired from all the late night sessions. i was stoning in class man. then followed by Sakae Sushi lunch appointment with Shi Hong, Mark and Sara. we are on a mission to bankrupt Sakae Sushi. :P and we are on our way there?
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy valentine's
the most dreaded time of the year for singlelites has arrived again. where they have to endure the endless sufferings of having to watch couples walking down the street, holding hands and making out. while they themselves, have only themselves for company. it is rather saddening on their part. that is why i believe that many singlelites choose to spend the day at home rather than hang out on the streets. thoses brave few that choose to do so would end up feeling more depress and lamenting about their sorry fate.
what is so special about this day? it is just another day that is set aside by countries all over the world to celebrate a day of Love. in fact, any other day can be Valentine's Day if you really put your heart and soul into it. everyday can be a Valentine's for you and your loved one. i do not see the hype surronding it. the way that Valentine's is being protrayed is that Love only exists on this very day, so we have to show our love to our love ones or hold your peace forever. that is what Valentine's Day is being made out to be.
Businesses are also making a tidy profit over Valentine's Day. Overprice Roses, Food etc. They are sold for double their value and people are just gullible enough to go buy. Buying expensive gifts may not necessary be the way to a woman's heart. is this the only day whereby you would buy roses for your love ones? what about every other day?
Superficial love sucks. Being in Love sucks. actually everything about being in Love just simply sucks. Love is something that can put you on cloud nine or can just simply send you crashing down to earth.
if you really love a person, let that feeling come straight from your heart and not let your mind lure you into thinking that you really love that person when you are not. you are just cheating yourself.
anyways, Valentine's was pretty average for me. Celebrate it in HQ NCC with the rest of the CLTs and some pretty looking eye candies there. hell lot of a fun time, Camp Feast is. Even though i may disagree with some of the decisions that are being made, i will respect it as i only serve an advisory role there and am not taking the camp.
well, Operation Foxy Phase 1 was a success today. i shall proceed with Phase 2 soon. wish me luck.
Monday, February 13, 2006
camp feast day 1
the people around me seem to be getting a little unstable (no offence intended) everyone seem to be frustrated and worked over some stuffs or other. but the main reason that i deduce about the change in attitude is School.
school, unlike in the past is no longer fun and entertaining, rather it is becoming more and more stressful, both from education point of view and social point of view. i find it rather sad to see my friends turning stressed. i believe that as the A Levels draw nearer, more of my friends would succumb to this "illness". i saw alot of outbursts in class recently and i do not wish to see it again. what causes it? only they themselves know, we can only speculate on our part.
school, in my opinion is becoming more and more taxing. i am not talkin only about homeworks but also in relationships. cracks have already appear in some of the friendships and some other friendships are no longer fixable. i hope that this is a short term effect for the former. as for the latter, what we call the "Great Divide" had already began, pitting the East against the West. such things cannot be mended as we must accept that we are 2 groups of people with 2 different mindsets. i would draw comparison with the Cold War where American Democracy is pitted against Soviet Communism. we cannot co-exist but we must try to live with each other just like how both those super powers tried. it is either them or us. so we must try to seek a balance in between. as much as we want to get back together, it is highly impossible. it is like putting fire with water or wood with fire. it will only cause more harm than good.
i feel that some of my classmates should be more acceptable of whatever comments that we have to give, be it good or bad. just like how we are acceptable of your comments. it may sound bad but at least one know where one went wrong. critical comments, to me is a form of learning. if you only want to hear the good things, you will never know where is wrong with you. and you will just remain at this particular spot while all the others have advanced. you will never succeed in life if you cannot take critisim. friends care, that is why they tell you what is wrong. coz we make you worth our effort. but it is just reciprocrated and treated as insults. this is rather saddening to see.
i can't understand the fact why people are still refusing to accept the facts even though they are served on a platter to them, choosing instead to live in a world of their own and surronding themselves with make-believe truth. choosing to believe what they wanna believe. not that i wanna say but i feel that this person should move on with life. illusional is what i will call them. but i believe that once this illusion is shattered, things will never be the same again.
i do not understand why this particular person like to lead him on? i mean, if you do not like him, jus tell him, what is so hard about that? why must one give him false hopes? make him feel as if he is on sky high then later send him crashing down to earth. in my personal opinion, i think it is wrong. it will only make matters worst. she is playing with his feelings and he knows it but choose not to accept the facts. "what friends are for" simply do not apply here. we have now taken 2nd place or maybe even lower in his heart.
you are just being use as a spare tire. why you wanna put yourself through this agony and lament about how this is bad, how that is worst? you are jus willowing in self pity. the world do not pity you, she will just move on without you. this particular girl is playing with you and too in love to see it. lamenting about how hard it is to get a girlfriend, about how girls like skinny guys is not going to help you get a girlfriend. "Empty vessels make the most noise", "all words and no action" you can say and say as much as you want, but a girlfriend will not drop at your doorstep.
my advice: suffer that heartbreak, it will occur soon withn this year, and you will see what is right and what is wrong. getting first hand experience is probably what you need. and so i hope you really get it. go out and look for a girlfriend if you really want one so desperately.
over ages, it is always been a stereotypical view that girls' heart are the most fragile while mens' are the most hardened. but i tell you that is not true. even the hardest hearted of men will cracked someday. and when it happens nothing can mend it. he, here is not hard hearted but rather quite fragile. i do not want to see him suffering a heartache as i believe he would not recover from it. it took me 3 years to get over a heartbreak, much less him who have never experience love before.
love stinks i tell you, it can make you feel like a God or it can make you feel like a total bastard. maybe that explains my nature. i do not think that after all that has happen to me, i still believe that true love exists. to me, but it only exists in that imaginary world that we choose to live in. surronded by our own illusions. WAKE UP!!! i tell you. i have long woken up from this dream.
some may differ that i am starting another war by blogging about this issue. but i just do not care. i need a place to vent out how i feel, this is my personal blog. so i can say and do as i please here. if you are not happy, too bad.
i admit that i may be critical about certain issues, but that is jus being me. i do not seek to reconcile but i seek to find a solution out of these "mess" we may not even remain as friends but i hope that we can still remain as classmates. to maintain a working relationship if possible. let's be professional here. to that guy that is concern, i hope you do wake up. you can hate me for being frank here but too bad. it is reality.
on a lighter note, we went to joy tan's house today and her sons are CUTE man!!! it was quite a fun experience.
24 hours to Valentine's Day.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
been goin back there like for the upteemed time this week already man. and guess what?! we saw the orange shirt scooper again man. whooopie. so she works on friday. guess i would be going back again if time permits. and on a lighter note, we are nearly on our way to completing all the flavours there, tryin 3 new flavours with every visit there. :) well, shall give you an analysis of all the flavours soon after we have sample all of them :P
BBQ last night was quite fun, though it was quieter than usual as it was the same few people that turn up but we had hell lot of a fun time at the expense of certain people. :P guess that will be a last for all of us as the Great Divide had already began officially.......
East Vs West
Thursday, February 09, 2006
scorpion and the frog
The Frog replied," I will not, for you will sting me and i will die"
The Scorpion said to the Frog, "But why would i do that? For if i were to do that, i would drown"
The Frog considered this argument, and at last said, "Very well. i shall carry you across the river"
So the Frog came to the shore and took the Scorpion upon his back and halfway across the river, the Scorpion stung the Frog.
With his dying breathe, the Frog cried out, "Why have you done this? For now we will both die"
And with his dying breathe, the Scorpion cried out, "Because it is my nature"
The Morale of the Story: Eventually, he or she will betray you. it is in his or her nature. and when it does happen, what we foresee would be true. it is a matter of time.
Pissed. Disappointed. Irritated.
Just get out of my life man and stop being hypocriptical.
Ben & Jerry's. :) it rocks man. another trip next week perharps too see the Scoopers. :P
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Enough is Enough! It all started with an innocent blogpost whereby these particular people including myself expressed our views on some people and it resulted in these people shooting back. What The F***! Start of blogwar?! You wish! I rather verbal comfrontation then confrontation through the Net which is like so damn gay! This has to end now! Childish Geeks!
it is damn irritating for something that has die down due to some people being balless to comfront ME or involved party about the issue so that it can be settle once and for all to resurface again. they choose instead to forgive and forget. i tell you, one can forgive but can never forget which in this case happen to be you. i totally forgot about the issue until it was brought up recently again.
why muz you keep bringing up the past? can't it simply die down? i know what you will say. "oh, so and so wanna involve in something that doesn't involve him" Bullshit! i tell you. it is affecting me indirectly. you are jus being dillusional and not courageous enough to face up to the truth, choosing instead to hide behind the screen and forged an imaginary war which is NON-EXISTANT. it exists only in your mind. i suggest strongly that you should get your head examine.
you are breaking apart the unity that is existing in class and which you, in my own opinion have NO part in. unity is not build overnight, but rather overtime. this is very crucial as we embarked on our A Levels as this would help us to spur and cheer each other on as the day approaches. To lend support. To teach. To help. all these cannot be done without unity. do not deny that all these do not exist, it does, mind you. jus that you have absolutely no part in it. would you help someone a complete stranger? would you motivate a complete stranger? as a kind samaritan, i believe you would, or for the sake of pride you would say you would. how many people would actually do that? you are also causing unnecessary whining to occur that is affecting the class mood. wow. you are indeed making an impact on our lives man. Congratulations!!!! i am impressed. are you happy?
you are an island of your own, living in a world of your own where you think that every bad thing that is said is talkin about you. please la. who will be bother about you? oh ya. i forgot. your true frenz. errr. but wait.... who are they? i don't seem to have any recollections of them man. die. i am having short term memory. tsktsk. it comes with age.
No Man Is An Island. You can never be a loner in this world. you need good social skills, good people relations, common sense, street smart and of coz, intelligence. lacking in any? please check to ensure.
upcoming class bbq is for the class to get together. we organise chalets, outings. but how many actually turn up? it is always the same few. this sunday, we are going to mrs. tan's house. it is still the same few? i have already given up asking everyone. i jus ask those that i know would turn up.
i am not part of the class? please. i have a bigger part in class than you do. you choose to shunned all these, consider them as "blasphemious", it's your lost. you are just, in my opionion losing good friends which i believe that you would beg to differ. if one carry on like these, you will die childless, friendless, homeless. i do not have an impact in class? ok. maybe not that great but i believe that my words still do carry some weight in class even though sometimes it may be not be the case.
results wise, some people and myself have perform exceeding expectations. shocking most of the teachers along the way. and the other people? they are not even given a second glance? sad life these people lead. they should just disappear off the face of this world. how? commit sucide or just get out of MI. why is that so? because in order to pass, you need to have a love for the subjects and the brains to understand it. throwing all the points down would not gurantee you a pass in Lit of Hist but definitely one in Econs.
it takes intelligence to be witty and to think of jokes. are you able to do that? lack of intelligence? results have already proven themselves. i do not need to comment much. Literature and History are topics that are open to our own intepretations whereas Economics is a NO-BRAINER. you do not need common sense, neither u need intelligence. just lump whatever you remember down and there you are, a distinction essay. while for Literature and History, you have to think out of the box which sadly, you can't. scoring mediocre marks as a result. wait till, my classmates and i get back into study mood then that is where the fun really begins as you will experience.
i think that it is really downright stupid for some people to think the world damn world of themselves. the world don't evolve around you. you are living your life well enough. Good for you! i really do not care what you think because it is of NO IMPORTANCE to me. get a life man! because in my opinion, you do not have one. it is humourous. it will make a very good April Fool's Joke!!!!
i find the post "3 friends and a girl" rather touching and it was more of a reflective one than an offensive one. you may say that i am bias. go read it properly. literature has many intepretations. you view it from many angles. not jus one. and as long as you can argue your case, there is absolutely no wrong in it. it is just that you choose to make it an offensive one because you have a grudge and is bias against the author. a third party like myself thinks that it is a reflective piece. get your facts right and put on your reading glasses before you make comments. *Note: i am not defending the author here. i just find your claims unfounded and bias.
foul mouth?! me? please man. you do not even know me. what right you have to say that i am? some people are just like cockroaches. you can stamp on them as much as you want but they jus keep coming back. it is very irritating. or is it because they do not have brains to notice it?
Are you sure that the person beside you can be consider a true friend? a true friend do not backstab and this "true friend" of your's does if you do not know. i am past beyond caring what you have to say about it already. this will be my last and final post about this so call "blog war" which never even existed in the first place. it was just an expression of people who could not take some people anymore or reflecting about the past just like i did in my previous post.
do not assume things. come and look for me to get it clarify. i do not bite. neither do i look scary.
i can be nice if i want too and i am being very nice here. but my tolerance does have a level also. and it is reaching brimming point already. i do not want some childish geeks to affect my performance and my friends' over the year over matters, big or small.
take my words at face value and do not read between the lines. you are what i make you out to be. nothing can change that fact. i believe in my opinion that is how society viewed these selected few. and this is how i feel and i am expressing it right now. i will not come look for you as it is not my right and not what i am suppose to do. and i am the victim here ok?
This post is of my own doing. No one is involved in the creation of it. Not happy? Too bad. Life got its ups and downs. and for some people stay out in affairs that do not involved you. do not claim that you are a friend and start to interfere. it stinks! Do not blame others. Blame yourself for the creation of this post.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Once Upon a Time, as how most stories are usually started. There was this student fresh out of secondary school and attending His first day in school after a very long layoff. He was a reluctant student as it was not the school of his choice. But failing His E-maths left him with no other option despite being able to make it to certain JCs. CJC would have accepted Him if he had retook his E-maths but He had no confidence of passing it. Therefore, deciding to take up the one and only choice that was available to Him- Millennia Institute.
On the first day of school, He arrived with a heavy heart, not knowing where to go, not knowing what to do & not knowing what type of people He would meet there. He was scanning around for familiar faces and initially, She did not catch His eye. Her friend did as she resembled His ex-girlfriend alot. But when He saw Her, She simply took His breathe away. Have you ever gotten that feeling when you lay your eyes on a girl and in your heart you know that she is the One for you, to fill the empty space in your heart and to close the gaps in your fingers? It happened to Him there and then & as much as He tried to shake it off, it just wouldn't leave. I would say that at that moment He was in Love. To Him, it was Love at First Sight.
Throughout the entire duration of the Orientation Programme, He did not have the courage to talk to Her as She was always with Her Friend. Choosing instead to observe Her from far. Finally, His chance came, when Her friend did not appear for school that day. She was Alone! Plucking up His courage, he finally went up to talk to Her. And their First Conversation took place in the school's auditorium as He sat beside Her for lecture. I would say that they hit it off pretty well despite it being the first time that they have ever talk to each other. By the end of the lecture, they were exchanging numbers. Come the MI Dance, He wanted to ask Her for a dance, as he fondly remember, but sad to say, She was taken by Her friend. However, little did He know, that things will never ever be the same again.
The first time that He messaged Her was in a Lan Shop located somewhere in Serangoon. It was just a very casual "Hi, How are you? Do you rem me? I'm the guy from your OG :P" He messaged Her thinking that She would not reply. I would say He was rather scared by that thought. But to His surprise, She replied Him not long after He send out the message and boy, was He excited. They spent the whole night exchanging messages and finally signing off with a "Good Night. Sweet Dream" This was the first of the many SMS exchanges that they had
These SMS exchanges took place everyday even when they are in school and even though they are separated by just a few feet. From the start of school till the end. From the end of school till either party sleeps. 24Hours a day, 7 Hours a week. Time was not a barrier to either of them.
Their relationship bloom like flowers in spring. She wanted to leave MI for NYP as She was offered a place there in Sports & Wellness. But decided to stay for reasons which only He & Her knew.
Before long, their SMSes went to a whole new level, more intimate, more mushy. And the first time it happened, it was in a theatre when He was catching a movie with His fellow mates. He became "Her Darling Angel" and She became His's.
Their first date happened a few days before His 17th birthday on the 7th of May where She ask Him out to celebrate His upcoming birthday. They caught "Van Helsing" and after that spent the rest of the night together. Walking from Orchard to City Hall to Esplanade. Stopping there. They talked the entire way. Conversation seems endless and they found out that they had many things in common. They spent the night contented to talking to each other till the wee hours of morning and ended off with Him sending Her home. It was to Him one of the best birthdays He had ever have.
Their relationship went to a whole new level. He liking Her and She liking Him and they were a couple, though an unofficial pair. Their classmates got wind of this budding relationship and tease them endlessly about it. But I can safely tell you that none of them were the lest bothered by it.
They went out for study sessions, movies, etc. All the things that a couple would do. But all they lacked was a name.
However, as the saying goes "All good things must come to an end" This couple was ready to bring their relationship to yet another level but Fate was not kind on them as a third party unintentionally came in between them and wrecked what was a match made in Heaven. Thus marking the beginning of the end.
This girl came in between them, sticking close to Him and never leaving His side. I would say that He did in a way enjoy the attention that was given not knowing what consequences that it will bring. She was with Him everyday, everywhere but i can assure you that He never did like Her as He has eyes for one girl only. He did try to shake her off. But it never seem to work.
Things started going downhill then as I believe that Her so-called close friends started spreading rumours and saying things that were not true on hindsight.
Finally, exams came and the results were out. She left despite being promoted and it broke His heart. And to all, it was a sign that things had indeed come to an end.
Till this very day, He is still regretful and sorrowful of what that had happened. Though both have move on with their lives. Sometimes he wished that how nice if things had remained the same. But deep down, He know that it is impossible and it something that He had came to accept over time.
He was Me.
The Morale of the story is that Do not take things for granted. When a third party do happen to come in between, nicely tell him or her to "Fuck Off". Do not be afraid to Love as Love is a wonderful thing. And lastly, Rumours Kill
Monday, February 06, 2006
- Outgoing Personality: Always able to get out of class
- Great Presentation Skills: Able to bullshit
- Good Communication Skills: Spends alot of time on the phone
- School is the Top Piority: Too ugly to get a date
- Active socially: Drinks alot
- Quick Thinking: Offers plausible excuses
- Careful Thinker: Won't make a decision
- Uses logic on difficult questions: Gets someone else to do it
- Express themselves well: Speaks English
- Has leadership qualities: Is tall and has a loud voice
- Exceptionally good judgement: Lucky
- Keen sense of humour: Knows a lot of dirty jokes
- Results-orientated: Backstabber
- Loyal: Can't get a school anywhere
- Relax Attitude: Sleeps in class
6th Feb
Went with mark & dom to bishan for dinner at Cafe Cartel. but before we reach there, i have a tale to tell on our journey there.
i seriously recommended that you take bus 58 to get to bishan from MI(B). the reason is very simple. the buys is simply littered with PRETTY girls. the 3 of us, poor singlelites were having a feast of beautiful flesh as we check out the girls. There were girls like the grey-shirt girl which i notice initially and in my humble opinion, she is darn pretty. next was the school girl that mark notice. errr. i got nothing to say abt her for my own health :P and there were that group of NYJC girls that boarded the bus and the hot chick that all of us notice when she boarded the bus.
therefore, in my humble opinion, i believe that we should take more of public transport. as we should support SBS and also you never know, you may meet the girl on your dreams on the bus one day, just like in the korean dramas, that seem to deprive television of all the nice shows.
we finally arrived at our destination- Cafe Cartel. we had a very sumptous dinner there. and i must say that the servings are indeed huge. haha. too full for our own good, we hang out at J8 for a short while before proceeding home.
and ta-da here i am sitting in front of my com, recounting what happen today.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Retail Therapist
- Elly's Shoe Fetish
- Inez's Syndrome (upgrade version of Bert's Syndrome)
school day today was really darn boring. i was basically stoning in class coz i wasn't in the mood for anything and it was really boring. this led to benny lim asking me whether i am in love with him coz i keep starin at him during lesson and was not copying notes like the others. haha. what an interesting logic.
and my day started after school today.
seoul gardens with eric, dommie, elly & inez. with teranz abandoning us as expected. we stuffed ourselves with food and we concluded that the AMK branch's food is better and fresher. oooh and dommie and elly played with their food again. haha. and after that we started our retail therapy......
The First Stop of the day was Topshop. Wanted to check out eric's flower shirt but apparently there was a season change and that shirt was no longer there. :( but we saw a near similiar shirt which was white in colour. :)
well, eric and i played a prank on inez today. i was suppose to draw cash to pay inez for the meal coz i did not have cash on hand so i swopped cards with eric and said that my account had no money and i was unable to pay her today. haha. u should have seen her response man. it was sooooo typical inez. and it was quite amusing to see her whine and bitch about it and some other money related issues. and she bitch about it all the way to Ben & Jerry's where we stopped for a short break.
Ben & Jerry Rocks man!!! Not only the ice cream but the Snoopers that were working there. the gers were really PRETTY and we were chatting them up as we went abt selecting our ice cream. of coz we muz do this discreetly as inez will have a lot of comments about it if she found out.
and an UNBELIEVABLE thing happen today. normally it will take a perfectly fit person to walk about 15 mins from City Hall to Suntec or vice versa. it took us 1 hour to cover the same distance. haha. poor elly had to accompany inez around which i suspected that she do not mind coz she can also look at her female stuffs as normally with us she is not able to do so.
Penisular Plaza was our last destination as elly and i went in search of our street soccer shoes. she found her's and there was no size. poor elly. *pats head* dommie & eric was equally poor dudes as they had to follow us around suffering from all 3 illnesses. i wanted to get my Puma shoes initially but after much scouting i found a much nicer pair. Adidas Predito 2. it jus came out last week. and it was really damn nice. haha. after buyin my shoes, we went around scouting for elly's pair as it was no longer selling as it was "old stock" :P dragging our tired bodies and legs to find THAT PAIR OF SHOE. errr. we are nice eh? elly :P
And we could not find it. :( haha. but the good news after the scouting trip was that we were able to go home. so it was Home Sweet Home for us!!! haha.
And Finally...........
Presenting The Fruit of My Retail Therapy Today!!!
My New Street Soccer Shoes!!! Adidas Predito 2.

Thursday, February 02, 2006
2nd Feb
That is for Me to know and for You to go find out.
I am just posting this post here to vent things out.
Ask Me and the ONLY answer you will get is a My Middle Finger in your face.
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